2021 Strategies For Small, Focused Pull Requests - Steve Hicks Why Asking for Help Strengthens Engineering Teams - Anna Carey Introducing Artsy Engineering Radio - Steve Hicks, Jon Allured 2020 Improve Pull Requests By Including Valuable Context - Steve Hicks 2019 Unbearable Lightness of Refactoring - Ashkan Nasseri How did Artsy become OSS by Default? - Orta Therox Why does Artsy use Relay? - Orta Therox What is TypeScript? - Orta Therox Peril Architecture Deep Dive - Orta Therox React Native at Artsy, 3 years later - Orta Therox 2016 Public Speaking - Part 2: Where To Start? - Maxim Cramer Public Speaking - Part 1: Is It For Me? - Maxim Cramer 2015 Peer Lab - Ash Furrow