In the Summer of 2014, we began developing a bidding kiosk for the Artsy auctions platform (code-named Eidolon). Typically, the iOS team here at Artsy worked on two main apps: a consumer-facing iPhone app and an iPad app used by art galleries. For Eidolon, we followed Artsy’s standard practices for building our software and use GitHub issues as our canonical source for bug reports and feature requests. Many of the components used in our apps are open source, but the codebases themselves remain in private repositories.
Initial planning for Eidolon began over the Summer. Our designer Katarina had the main features sketched out. I was scheduled to work on it at first, with Orta and Laura joining me near the end of the project. We had a rough scope: the app would be able to list artworks at an auction and allow prospective bidders to learn more about these artworks. The user would be able to register to bid and place bids using the Kiosk, including credit card processing for identity-checking.