Omakase Orta Therox - @orta Kana Abe - @kana_abe Sibelius Seraphini - @sseraphini Anson Wang Ash Furrow - @ashfurrow David Sheldrick - @djsheldrick Christopher Pappas Omakase Using VS Code for JavaScript - Orta Therox Improving Page Speed with GraphQL - Kana Abe The Relay Network Deep Dive - Sibelius Seraphini How To Debug Jest Tests - Anson Wang A History of Artsy's Web Frontend - Ash Furrow Conditional types in TypeScript - David Sheldrick GraphQL Stitching 101 - Orta Therox From TSLint to ESLint, or How I Learned to Lint GraphQL Code - Christopher Pappas What is TypeScript? - Orta Therox