2020 Becoming Mobile First - Ash Furrow 2017 iOS Retrospectives - Ash Furrow Artsy's Technology Stack, 2017 - Orta Therox, The Artsy Engineering Team Retrospective: Swift at Artsy - Orta Therox 2016 Accessing the app's Source Code from your Simulator - Orta Therox On our implementation of React Native - Orta Therox React Native at Artsy - Eloy DurĂ¡n Depedency Injection in Swift - Ash Furrow Swift Type Aliases: Use Early and Often - Ash Furrow GraphQL for iOS Developers - Orta Therox 2015 Cocoa Architecture: Dropped Design Patterns - Orta Therox Cocoa Architecture: Hybrid Apps - Orta Therox Cocoa Architecture: ARSwitchboard - Orta Therox Cocoa Architecture: ARRouter - Orta Therox An Eigenstate of Mind - Sarah Scott How we Open Source'd Eigen - Orta Therox