Hello! My name is Ash and I work on the Auctions team at Artsy. I like to blog, and I like to tell people they should blog, too (you should blog btw). I’ve been trying to increase how many blog posts get written by Artsy engineers for six months or so, but have only seen modest results. I’ve been holding weekly office hours to help with writing, but it’s not often attended. So I started reaching out to team members individually to suggest they write something, but they’re very busy and often can’t spare the time. Hmm.

A simple solution came out of a discussion with other engineering teams surrounding how to build team culture. Sonam Dhingra of UsTwo solves the problem of “not enough blog posts are getting written” simply by providing templates that can be used to compose blog posts very quickly. Even if someone was in a hurry or not a confident writer, they could still contribute to the engineering blog. What a marvelous idea!

I took some time to write out three distinct blog post templates:

  • A “regular” post that authors fill in like Mad Libs.
  • A “long” post where authors create standard intro-body-conclusion posts.
  • An “epic” post where authors write a traditional narrative structure.

Each template fits a different niche, and we might add more as time goes on. The templates also include a note to authors about how the template is best used.

The templates are available in our blog’s repository – please feel free to use them in your own writing pursuits. Have a good one!

Categories: blogging